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Le poids des consciences

Surrealism - Musical flight

Photographie de Cuba

Cuba - Havana

Japan - Nara


If you wish, you can acquire these photos presented on this site by contacting me via the contact form. ​


In any case, do not hesitate to leave me your comments, appreciations, messages I will answer you with great pleasure.

This website brings together my recent photographs spread over different subjects such as foreign countries such as Cuba or Japan, France, nature, photomontages containing a surrealism part and the other which titles "Triplet" where I happened...

The photos displayed on this home page are just a few examples. ​


A poetry corner presents the different texts written mainly during my adolescence. ​


The Bio page presents my life course as well as my work ​


I hope you have a nice trip through this site.

Photographie de Marseille

Marseille - Saint-Charles train station

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